SEN Information

Arrangements to meet the Needs of Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

All Croydon schools are committed to and adopt a similar approach to meeting the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disability. There is a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, will benefit from inclusive teaching, which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school, ensure they can actively participate in the wider aspects of school life and support readiness for the next phase of education and/or preparation for adulthood. At Courtwood Primary School we aim to be a truly inclusive school. We provide education for all abilities, develop the potential of every pupil, in a learning environment where fairness, understanding, success and discipline are pursued, within an atmosphere which promotes racial and social equality. The school’s Inclusion Quality Mark was achieved in 2016 and will be renewed at the end of the 2019/20 academic year. 

The Special Needs Co-ordinator is:

Mainstream: Lauren Cleaves –
Enhanced Learning Provision: Clare Cook –

At Courtwood Primary School we are able to offer mainstream education, with high levels of knowledge and expertise in special educational needs, as well as an Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP) for children with Autism  (ASD) .

Courtwood Primary School will use its best endeavours to ensure the necessary provision is made for any pupil with SEND. In doing so, the school will fulfil the statutory duties and best practice guidelines set out in the Department for Education Code of Practice for SEND.

Enhanced Learning Provision

There are two facilities for the Enhanced Learning Provision: Holly Class and Chestnut Class with 14 places across both classes. Pupils start in the Reception Year group in Holly Class and will move to Chestnut Class in year 3.  Each class has the equivalent of one fully qualified Teacher, and TAs who have training and experience of working with children with SEND and ASD. We have an attached Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist who work closely with the staff to continuously set and review targets, model new targets and support staff to deliver those interventions to the Children.

Throughout the year, the SENCO runs regular open days to enable prospective parents to visit the ELP, enabling them to ask questions and find out more about our provision. Please call the office on 0208 657 8454 if you would like to visit.

Pupils in the ELP are placed at Courtwood through the SEND placement panel usually held in the Spring term, and have an Education, Health and Care Plan or Inclusion funding.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Class Teacher

The class teacher is responsible for:

  • adapting and refining the curriculum to respond to strengths and needs of all pupils;
  • checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivery of any additional support required to support progress within everyday teaching.

If it has been agreed that a pupil child requires additional SEN support the class teacher will also contribute and oversee delivery of personalised SEND Support Plans.

If you have concerns about your child, you should speak to your child’s class teacher first. Depending on the outcome of these discussions, you may have follow up meetings with the school’s SENCo/ELP Lead

Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) – Lauren Cleaves & Clare Cook

  1. Coordinating provision for children with SEND and developing the school’s SEND policy
  2. Ensuring that parents are:
  • Involved in discussions to identify key strengths and areas of difficulty
  • Involved in planning provision to overcome barriers to learning
  • Regularly included in reviewing how well their child is doing
  • Consulted about planning successful movement (transition) to a new class or school
  1. Liaising with a range of agencies outside of school who can offer advice and support to help pupils overcome any difficulties
  2. Providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of SEND.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Principal – Natasha Grant

The Principal is responsible for the day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the provision made for pupils with SEND.

Roles and Responsibilities of the SEND Governor – Cllr Andy Strannack

Supporting school to evaluate and develop quality and impact of provision for pupils with SEND across the school.

This report, setting out our approaches to meeting needs of pupils with SEND, will be updated at least annually.

We welcome your feedback and views on how helpful this information is and recommendations about how we can make it clearer or include other information.