Part 2 ELP specific 2014 /15
This part of the service specification deals with unique issues for this ELP and should be reviewed annually with any agreed amendments recorded.

School: Courtwood Primary, Castle Hill Primary, Kensington Avenue Primary


Designation: Autistic spectrum disorder
Number of places: 14
Admissions criteria: These provisions are designed to meet the needs of pupils with statements of SEN, naming the Enhanced Learning Provision, who meet the following criteria:

1.  There is a primary diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. (In the Foundation Stage there may be pupils where there is no formal diagnosis but strong professional                      indications awaiting confirmation)

2.  Curriculum functioning in reading, writing and maths on ELP entry at least :
      Foundation Stage: 26 to 40 months 
      Key Stage One: Courtwood: P 8 plus 
      Castle Hill/ Kensington Avenue: P 5-8 
      Key Stage Two: Courtwood : Level 2 
      Castle Hill/ Kensington Avenue: Level 1 

      Where there is the potential to achieve at least: 
       Courtwood: Level 3 plus at the end of KS2 in reading, writing and maths 
       Castle Hill/ Kensington Avenue: Level 2 plus at the end of KS2

3. Where there is a speech and language delay, verbal communication is developing and there is evidence of listening skills and underlying comprehension. Older pupils should       be able to engage in social interaction with a peer group.

4. Where there are behavioural difficulties these are generally responsive to adult direction and do not require constant 1-1 support or frequent adult physical intervention.

5. Where there are social and emotional difficulties including anxiety there is the ability to function socially in a group for part of the school day.

6. Where there are sensory difficulties these do not require significant modifications to the educational environment. and in addition: Pupils should be assessed as being able           to benefit from a small group setting within the context of a mainstream school, being able to engage with the learning environment and respond to the classroom routines.         It is an expectation that a percentage of curriculum time will be spent in mainstream classes with support, post transition. Ideally this will increase to at least 50% by the end       of Year.

Exit criteria:

Pupils will be monitored via the annual review and may be able to transition to a more suitable provision if they;

Are able to participate successfully in mainstream classes for over 80% of their time independently.


Are unable to access the mainstream setting and/or their rate of progress is compromised

Health input